* Emacs Configuration I finally decided that keeping my Emacs configuration together with all the other common configuration files comes close to blasphemy so I split it from the main dotfiles repo. Seriously managing emacs through symlinks works but in the spirit of less is more just doing a #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone forgejo@forge.snamellit.com:pti/emacs-config ~/.config/emacs #+END_SRC And then maintaining the files directly over there is easier than it being part of all the other stuff. Of course _easier_ is in the eye of the beholder at the time of observation. In practice it are all diffferent trade-offs. I think this setup will also make it easier to package up my emacs config as a GUIX package for distribution over my PCs. This config also needs [[https://github.com/SystemCrafters/crafted-emacs][Crafted Emacs]] as a base : #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone https://github.com/SystemCrafters/crafted-emacs.git ~/.local/share/crafted-emacs #+END_SRC * TODOS ** TODO Check out Crafted Emacs This configuration relies on crafted emacs being checked out in *~/.local/share/crafted-emacs* . This is graciously provided by my dotfiles system but this might better move to emacs itself during initial bootstrapping, ie checking whether the folder exists/is up-to-date when tangling to limit effect on startup speed. ** TODO Warn if the current copy is stale. Since I forget everything unless prompted, getting a prompt when there is a new version waiting to be pulled might be useful. I can probably get inspiration from crafted emacs. ** TODO package as a guix package It would be nice to update the emacs config when doing a `guix home reconfigure`.