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\title{\color{report_main}{Assignment Econometrics 2024}} % Title
\author{Hendrik Marcel W Tillemans} % Author
\date{\today} % Date
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\includegraphics[scale = 0.95]{../figures/vub.png}\\[1.0 cm] % University Logo
\textsc{\LARGE \newline\newline Free University Brussels}\\[2.0 cm] % University Name
\textsc{\Large \color{report_main}{Class: Econometrics}}\\[0.5 cm] % Course Code
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{ \huge \bfseries \thetitle}\\
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\begin{flushleft} \large
Jeroen Kerkhof\\
Faculty of Economic Sciences\\
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Group:} \\
Hendrik Marcel W Tillemans\\
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\section{Simulation Study}
\subsection{1.1: Generate Simulation Data}
We investigate a linear model with noise
\[y=\beta_0 + \beta_1 x1 + \beta_2 x2 + u\]
\[x1 \sim \mathcal{N}(3,\,6)\]
\[x2 \sim \mathcal{N}(3,\,6)\]
\[u \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\,3)\]
In figure \ref{fig::plot_1_1} we have a 3D representation of the generated model.
\caption{Generated points for Question 1.1.}
\subsection{1.2: Linear Fit on Generated Data}
\caption{Linear Fit on Generated Data}
\subsection{1.3: Linear Fit with 1 Variable}
\caption{Linear Fit with 1 Variable}
\subsection{1.4: New Linear Fit on Generated Data}
\caption{New Linear Fit on Generated Data}
\subsection{1.5: New Linear Fit with 1 Variable}
\caption{Linear Fit with 1 Variable}
\subsection{1.6: Generate Data with Small Variance on x1}
\caption{Generate Data with Small Variance on x1}
\caption{Generated points for Question 1.6.}
Some greek letters:
$A \Longrightarrow B$
sub and superscript
$\sum_{i=1}^{n} i$
In an equation:
\sum_{j=1}{n} j^2 \beta
Equation without number
A \Rightarrow B
\section{Empirical Investigation}
Here is some example code to create tables and graphs from the
Python script. In order for this to work you would first need
to run the script non\_linear\_models\_example\_report.py. Running that
file (using the recommended file structure) creates some figures
in the figures folder and some tables in .tex files in the report folder.
\subsection{Question 3}
For instance, here the file df\_table.tex is used print the actual numbers
in the table.
\caption{This tables has the estimates for ...}
\subsection{Question 4: Some graphs}
\caption{This is a Figure coming straight from Python.}
In Figure \ref{fig::example_data} we see the data.
\caption{This is a linear fit on a quadratic model.}
In Figure \ref{fig::example_quadratic_linear} we see a linear fit.
\caption{This is quadratic fit on a quadratic model.}
In Figure \ref{fig::example_quadratic_quadratic} we see that
\subsection{Question 5}
Equation example with matrices:
H_0: \beta_1 = - \beta_2; \beta_3=0; \beta_2 + 2\beta_4 = 2
\quad H_1: \neg H_0
can be written in matrix form as:
1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 2
\beta_1 \\
\beta_2 \\
\beta_3 \\
\end{bmatrix} =
0 \\
0 \\
In equation \eqref{eq::wald_test} we see that... and in equation \eqref{eq::matrix_form} we see that
\subsection{Question 6}
\caption{This tables has the estimates summary}
Table \ref{tab::estimation_results_summary} has the full summary.
\caption{This tables has the estimates summary}
Table \ref{tab::estimation_results_coef} has the only the coefficient