solved day 9

This commit is contained in:
Peter Tillemans 2024-12-09 12:55:04 +01:00
parent 9dbbe1df62
commit 2920259e4d
3 changed files with 240 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
(:file "2024/day06") (:file "2024/day06")
(:file "2024/day07") (:file "2024/day07")
(:file "2024/day08") (:file "2024/day08")
(:file "2024/day09")
))) )))
:description "Advent of Code challenges and solutions." :description "Advent of Code challenges and solutions."
:long-description "Solutions for the AOC challenges." :long-description "Solutions for the AOC challenges."
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
(:file "2024/day06-test") (:file "2024/day06-test")
(:file "2024/day07-test") (:file "2024/day07-test")
(:file "2024/day08-test") (:file "2024/day08-test")
(:file "2024/day09-test")
))) )))
:description "Test system for aoc" :description "Test system for aoc"
:perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :parachute :test :aoc/tests))) :perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :parachute :test :aoc/tests)))

src/2024/day09.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/09
(:use :cl :aoc :alexandria :trivia :lla)
(in-package :aoc/2024/09)
(defstruct inode id start length)
(defstruct freespace start length)
(defun blocks-to-fs (blocks)
for block in blocks
for id from 0
for use = (if (eq use :free) :file :free)
for node = (if (eq use :free)
(make-inode :id (floor (/ id 2)) :start pos :length block)
(make-freespace :start pos :length block))
with pos = 0
until (emptyp blocks)
collect node
do (incf pos block))
(defun parse-input (line)
(blocks-to-fs (mapcar #'digit-char-p (coerce line 'list))))
(defparameter input-text (first (test-input 2024 9)))
(defparameter input-data (parse-input input-text))
(defparameter sample-text "2333133121414131402")
(defparameter sample-data
(parse-input sample-text))
(defun strip-freespace-at-end (fs)
(if (or (emptyp fs) (inode-p (first (last fs))))
(strip-freespace-at-end (subseq fs 0 (1- (length fs))))))
(defun coalesce-last-inodes (fs)
(let ((last2 (last fs 2)))
(if (and
(= 2 (length last2))
(every #'inode-p last2)
(reduce #'(lambda (a b) (and a b)) (mapcar #'inode-id last2)))
(subseq fs 0 (- (length fs) 2))
(list (make-inode
:id (inode-id (first last2))
:start (inode-start (first last2))
:length (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'inode-length last2)))))
(defun max-file-id (fs)
for n in fs
if (inode-p n)
maximize (inode-id n)))
(defun fs-compact-step (fs)
(let* ((first-free (find-if #'freespace-p fs))
(free-pos (position first-free fs))
(last-inode (find-if #'inode-p (reverse fs)))
(inode-pos (position last-inode fs)))
(if first-free
(subseq fs 0 free-pos)
(list (make-inode
:id (inode-id last-inode)
:start (freespace-start first-free)
:length (min (freespace-length first-free) (inode-length last-inode))))
(if (> (freespace-length first-free) (inode-length last-inode))
(list (make-freespace
:length (- (freespace-length first-free) (inode-length last-inode))
:start (+ (freespace-start first-free) (inode-length last-inode)))))
(subseq fs (1+ free-pos) inode-pos)
(if (< (freespace-length first-free) (inode-length last-inode))
(list (make-inode
:id (inode-id last-inode)
:start (inode-start last-inode)
:length (- (inode-length last-inode) (freespace-length first-free)))))))
(defun fs-compact (fs)
(loop while (some #'freespace-p fs)
do (setf fs (fs-compact-step fs)))
(coalesce-last-inodes fs))
(defun fs-checksum (fs)
for inode in fs
if (inode-p inode)
sum (* (inode-length inode)
(inode-id inode)
(/ (+ (* 2 (inode-start inode)) (inode-length inode) -1) 2))))
(defun fs-optimize-file (fs id)
(let* ((inode (find-if
(lambda (n)
(inode-p n)
(= (inode-id n) id)))
(inode-pos (position inode fs))
(freespace (find-if
(lambda (n)
(freespace-p n)
(>= (freespace-length n) (inode-length inode))))
(freespace-pos (position freespace fs))
(if (and freespace (> inode-pos freespace-pos))
(subseq fs 0 freespace-pos)
(list (make-inode
:id id
:start (freespace-start freespace)
:length (inode-length inode)))
(if (> (freespace-length freespace) (inode-length inode))
(list (make-freespace
:start (+ (freespace-start freespace) (inode-length inode))
:length (- (freespace-length freespace) (inode-length inode)))))
(subseq fs (1+ freespace-pos) inode-pos)
(subseq fs (1+ inode-pos)))
(defun fs-optimize (fs)
(let ((ids (reverse (mapcar #'inode-id (remove-if-not #'inode-p fs)))))
(reduce #'fs-optimize-file ids :initial-value fs)))
(defun part1 (data)
(let ((cfs (fs-compact data)))
(format nil "~A" (fs-checksum cfs))))
(defun part2 (data)
(let ((ofs (fs-optimize data)))
(format nil "~A" (fs-checksum ofs))))
(defun solve-day ()
(format t "part1: ~A~%" (part1 input-data))
(format t "part2: ~A~%" (part2 input-data)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/09/tests
(:use :cl :aoc :aoc/tests :aoc/2024/tests :parachute :aoc/2024/09))
(in-package :aoc/2024/09/tests)
(define-test suite-2024-09
;:parent suite-2024
(define-test test-blocks-to-fs
:parent suite-2024-09
(let ((fs (blocks-to-fs sample-data)))
(is equalp (make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2) (nth 0 fs))
(is equalp (make-freespace :start 2 :length 3) (nth 1 fs))
(is equalp (make-inode :id 1 :start 5 :length 3) (nth 2 fs))
(is equalp (make-freespace :start 8 :length 3) (nth 3 fs))))
(define-test test-compact-fs
:parent suite-2024-09
;; last block fits exactly in first free space
(is equalp
(make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 1 :start 2 :length 2))
(fs-compact-step (list
(make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 2 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 1 :start 4 :length 2)
;; last block bigger than first free space
(is equalp
(make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 2 :start 2 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 1 :start 4 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 6 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 2 :start 8 :length 2))
(fs-compact-step (list
(make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 2 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 1 :start 4 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 6 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 2 :start 8 :length 4)
;; last block smaller than first free space
(is equalp
(make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 2 :start 2 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 4 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 1 :start 6 :length 2)
(fs-compact-step (list
(make-inode :id 0 :start 0 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 2 :length 4)
(make-inode :id 1 :start 6 :length 2)
(make-freespace :start 8 :length 2)
(make-inode :id 2 :start 10 :length 2)
(define-test+run test-part1
:parent suite-2024-09
(true (equal "1928" (part1 sample-data))))
(define-test+run test-part2
:parent suite-2024-09
(true (equal "2858" (part2 sample-data))))