merge with upstream
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 271 additions and 211 deletions
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
:components ((:module "src"
((:file "main")
(:file "maze")
(:file "2018/day06")
(:file "2018/day07")
(:file "2024/day01")
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
(:file "2024/day18")
(:file "2024/day19")
(:file "2024/day20")
(:file "2024/day21")
:description "Advent of Code challenges and solutions."
:long-description "Solutions for the AOC challenges."
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@
(:file "2024/day18-test")
(:file "2024/day19-test")
(:file "2024/day20-test")
(:file "2024/day21-test")
:description "Test system for aoc"
:perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :parachute :test :aoc/tests)))
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/16
(:use :cl :aoc :alexandria :trivia :lla :queues)
(:use :cl :aoc :aoc/maze :alexandria :trivia :lla :queues)
@ -42,86 +41,10 @@
(defstruct pos
(x 0 :type fixnum)
(y 0 :type fixnum))
(defun pos-move (pos dir)
(case dir
(#\^ (make-pos :x (pos-x pos) :y (1- (pos-y pos))))
(#\v (make-pos :x (pos-x pos) :y (1+ (pos-y pos))))
(#\< (make-pos :x (1- (pos-x pos)) :y (pos-y pos)))
(#\> (make-pos :x (1+ (pos-x pos)) :y (pos-y pos)))
(defun show-map (map &optional (dest t))
(let ((w (array-dimension map 1))
(h (array-dimension map 0)))
dest "~{~A~}"
for row from 0 below h
collect (format nil "~A~%"
(loop for col from 0 below w
collect (aref map row col))
(defun get-pos (map pos)
(aref map (pos-y pos) (pos-x pos)))
(defun set-pos (map pos tile)
(setf (aref map (pos-y pos) (pos-x pos)) tile))
(defun find-tile (map char)
(let ((w (array-dimension map 1))
(h (array-dimension map 0)))
for row from 0 below h
for col = (loop
for col from 0 below w
if (eq (aref map row col) char) return col)
if col
return (make-pos :x col :y row)
(defun swap-pos (map p np)
"swaps content of map. returns np"
(let ((o (get-pos map p)))
(setf (aref map (pos-y p) (pos-x p)) (get-pos map np))
(setf (aref map (pos-y np) (pos-x np)) o)
(defun wet-finger-distance (a b)
"estimate the distance"
(abs (- (pos-x a) (pos-x b)))
(abs (- (pos-y a) (pos-y b)))
(eq (pos-x a) (pos-x b))
(eq (pos-y a) (pos-y b))
(defun rotate-left (dir)
(case dir
(#\^ #\<)
(#\v #\>)
(#\< #\v)
(#\> #\^)
(defun rotate-right (dir)
(case dir
(#\^ #\>)
(#\v #\<)
(#\< #\^)
(#\> #\v)
(defun valid-pos-p (map pos)
(not (eq #\# (get-pos map pos))))
(defstruct reindeer pos dir)
(defstruct reindeer pos (dir #\>))
(defstruct state path score)
@ -136,59 +59,34 @@
(cons (make-reindeer :pos p :dir (rotate-left d)) 1000)
(cons (make-reindeer :pos p :dir (rotate-right d)) 1000)))))
(defun distance-estimate-f (finish)
(defun heuristic (x finish)
"estimate the distance for a reindeer from given finish"
(let ((a finish))
(lambda (reindeer)
(let ((b (reindeer-pos reindeer) ))
(abs (- (pos-x a) (pos-x b)))
(abs (- (pos-y a) (pos-y b)))
(if (or
(eq (pos-x a) (pos-x b))
(eq (pos-y a) (pos-y b)))
(defun compare-states-f (finish)
(let ((dist-est (distance-estimate-f finish)))
(lambda (s1 s2)
(< (+ (state-score s1)
(funcall dist-est (car (state-path s1))))
(+ (state-score s2)
(funcall dist-est (car (state-path s2))))))))
(let* ((a (reindeer-pos finish))
(b (reindeer-pos x)))
(manhattan-distance a b)
(if (or
(eq (pos-x a) (pos-x b))
(eq (pos-y a) (pos-y b)))
(defun best-path (map)
(let* ((start (find-tile map #\S))
(finish (find-tile map #\E))
(state-comparison (compare-states-f finish))
(best (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(todo (make-queue :priority-queue :compare state-comparison)))
(qpush todo (make-state
:path (list (make-reindeer :pos start :dir #\>))
:score 0))
for s = (qpop todo)
until (or
(null s)
(equalp (reindeer-pos (first (state-path s))) finish))
finally (return s)
do (loop
for next in (next-moves map (first (state-path s)))
for score = (+ (state-score s) (cdr next))
if (> (gethash (car next) best 1000000000) score)
do (progn
(qpush todo
:path (cons (car next) (state-path s))
:score score))
(setf (gethash (car next) best) score)))
(let* ((start (make-reindeer :pos (find-tile map #\S)))
(finish (make-reindeer :pos (find-tile map #\E)))
(path-finder (make-a-star
:finished-p (lambda (a b)
(reindeer-pos a)
(reindeer-pos b)))
(funcall path-finder map start finish))
(defun best-score (map)
(state-score (best-path map)))
(caar (best-path map)))
(defparameter sample-data
(parse-input sample-text))
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Program: 0,1,5,4,3,0"))
(defun disassemble (cpu)
(defun my-disassemble (cpu)
(let ((program (cpu-mem cpu))
(cpu (copy-cpu cpu)))
@ -1,38 +1,17 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/18
(:use :cl :aoc :alexandria :trivia :lla :queues)
(:use :cl :aoc :aoc/maze :alexandria :trivia :lla :queues)
(in-package :aoc/2024/18)
(defstruct pos
(x 0 :type fixnum)
(y 0 :type fixnum))
(defun pos-move (pos dir)
(case dir
(#\^ (make-pos :x (pos-x pos) :y (1- (pos-y pos))))
(#\v (make-pos :x (pos-x pos) :y (1+ (pos-y pos))))
(#\< (make-pos :x (1- (pos-x pos)) :y (pos-y pos)))
(#\> (make-pos :x (1+ (pos-x pos)) :y (pos-y pos)))
(defun get-pos (map pos)
(aref map (pos-y pos) (pos-x pos)))
(defun set-pos (map pos tile)
(setf (aref map (pos-y pos) (pos-x pos)) tile))
(defun parse-line (line)
(let ((p (mapcar #'parse-integer (ppcre:split "," line))))
(make-pos :x (first p) :y (second p))))
@ -104,56 +83,19 @@
(< tm (gethash p (memory-map mem) 1000000)))
collect p))
(defun distance-estimate-f (finish)
"estimate the distance for a reindeer from given finish"
(let ((a finish))
(lambda (b)
(abs (- (pos-x a) (pos-x b)))
(abs (- (pos-y a) (pos-y b)))
(defstruct state score path)
(defun compare-states-f (finish)
(let ((dist-est (distance-estimate-f finish)))
(lambda (s1 s2)
(< (+ (state-score s1)
(funcall dist-est (car (state-path s1))))
(+ (state-score s2)
(funcall dist-est (car (state-path s2))))))))
(defun best-path (map time)
(let* ((start (make-pos :x 0 :y 0))
(finish (make-pos :x (memory-size map) :y (memory-size map)))
(state-comparison (compare-states-f finish))
(best (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(todo (make-queue :priority-queue :compare state-comparison)))
(qpush todo (make-state
:path (list start)
:score 0))
for s = (qpop todo)
until (or
(null s)
(equalp (first (state-path s)) finish))
finally (return s)
do (loop
for next in (next-moves map (first (state-path s)) time)
for score = (+ (state-score s) 1)
if (> (gethash next best 1000000000) score)
do (progn
(qpush todo
:path (cons next (state-path s))
:score score))
(setf (gethash next best) score)))
(let ((start (make-pos :x 0 :y 0))
(finish (make-pos :x (memory-size map) :y (memory-size map)))
(path-finder (make-a-star
#'(lambda (map pos) (loop
for p in (next-moves map pos time)
collect (cons p 1)))
(funcall path-finder map start finish)))
(defun solve-part1 (data time)
(let ((path (best-path data time)))
(state-score path))
(caar path))
(defun part1 (data &optional (time 1024))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/20
(:use :cl :aoc :alexandria :trivia :lla)
(:use :cl :aoc :aoc/maze :alexandria :trivia :lla)
@ -11,25 +11,82 @@
(in-package :aoc/2024/20)
(defun parse-line (line)
(defun parse-input (lines)
(mapcar #'parse-line lines))
(defparameter input-text (test-input 2024 20))
(defparameter input-data (parse-input input-text))
(defparameter input-data (parse-maze input-text))
(defparameter sample-text (aoc:split-lines ""))
(defparameter sample-text (aoc:split-lines "###############
(defparameter sample-data
(parse-input sample-text))
(parse-maze sample-text))
(defun part1 (data)
(length data))
(defun part2 (data)
(length data))
(defun next-moves (map pos)
"return conses of next pos and cost"
(loop for d in '(#\^ #\v #\> #\<)
for p = (pos-move pos d)
if (and
(array-in-bounds-p map (pos-x p) (pos-y p))
(not (eq #\# (aref map (pos-y p) (pos-x p)))))
collect (cons p 1)))
(defun best-path (map)
(let* ((start (find-tile map #\S))
(finish (find-tile map #\E))
(pathfinder (make-a-star #'next-moves
(funcall pathfinder map start finish)))
(defun find-shortcuts (map &optional (max-distance 2))
(let ((path (best-path map)))
for s1 in path
append (loop
for s2 in path
for dist = (manhattan-distance (cdr s1) (cdr s2))
for saving = (- (car s2) (car s1) dist)
if (and
(plusp saving)
(<= dist max-distance))
collect (list saving (cdr s1) (cdr s2))))))
(defun count-sc-groups (shortcuts &optional (min-savings))
;; present results to make it easy to compare to challenge
(let ((count-map (make-hash-table)))
for s in shortcuts
do (incf (gethash (first s) count-map 0)))
for k being the hash-keys in count-map
for v being the hash-values in count-map
if (>= k min-savings)
collect (cons k v)
#'(lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))
(defun part1 (map)
(loop for sc in (find-shortcuts map) count (>= (car sc) 100) ))
(defun part2 (map)
(loop for sc in (find-shortcuts map 20) count (>= (car sc) 100) ))
(defun solve-day ()
(format t "part1: ~A~%" (part1 input-data))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
(defpackage :aoc/maze
(:use :cl :alexandria :trivia :lla :queues)
(in-package :aoc/maze)
(defun parse-line (line)
(coerce line 'list))
(defun parse-maze (lines)
(list (length lines) (length (first lines)))
:initial-contents (mapcar #'parse-line lines)))
(defstruct pos
(x 0 :type fixnum)
(y 0 :type fixnum))
(defun pos-move (pos dir)
(case dir
(#\^ (make-pos :x (pos-x pos) :y (1- (pos-y pos))))
(#\v (make-pos :x (pos-x pos) :y (1+ (pos-y pos))))
(#\< (make-pos :x (1- (pos-x pos)) :y (pos-y pos)))
(#\> (make-pos :x (1+ (pos-x pos)) :y (pos-y pos)))
(defun show-map (map &optional (dest t))
(let ((w (array-dimension map 1))
(h (array-dimension map 0)))
dest "~{~A~}"
for row from 0 below h
collect (format nil "~A~%"
(loop for col from 0 below w
collect (aref map row col))
(defun get-pos (map pos)
(aref map (pos-y pos) (pos-x pos)))
(defun set-pos (map pos tile)
(setf (aref map (pos-y pos) (pos-x pos)) tile))
(defun find-tile (map char)
(let ((w (array-dimension map 1))
(h (array-dimension map 0)))
for row from 0 below h
for col = (loop
for col from 0 below w
if (eq (aref map row col) char) return col)
if col
return (make-pos :x col :y row)
(defun swap-pos (map p np)
"swaps content of map. returns np"
(let ((o (get-pos map p)))
(setf (aref map (pos-y p) (pos-x p)) (get-pos map np))
(setf (aref map (pos-y np) (pos-x np)) o)
(defun manhattan-distance (a b)
"estimate the distance"
(abs (- (pos-x a) (pos-x b)))
(abs (- (pos-y a) (pos-y b)))
(defun rotate-left (dir)
(case dir
(#\^ #\<)
(#\v #\>)
(#\< #\v)
(#\> #\^)
(defun rotate-right (dir)
(case dir
(#\^ #\>)
(#\v #\<)
(#\< #\^)
(#\> #\v)
(defun state-score (s)
(caar s))
(defun state-x (s)
(cdar s))
(defun make-a-star (next-moves heuristic &key (finished-p #'equalp))
(lambda (map start finish)
(defun state-less-p (s1 s2)
(< (+ (state-score s1)
(funcall heuristic (state-x s1) finish))
(+ (state-score s2)
(funcall heuristic (state-x s2) finish))))
(let* ((best (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(todo (queues:make-queue :priority-queue :compare #'state-less-p)))
(queues:qpush todo (list (cons 0 start)))
for s = (queues:qpop todo)
until (or
(null s)
(funcall finished-p (state-x s) finish))
finally (return s)
do (loop
for next in (funcall next-moves map (state-x s))
for score = (+ (state-score s) (cdr next))
for next-x = (car next)
if (> (gethash next-x best 1000000000) score)
do (progn
(queues:qpush todo (cons (cons score next-x) s))
(setf (gethash next-x best) score)))
(defun make-a-star-all-best-paths (next-moves heuristic &key (finished-p #'equalp))
(lambda (map start finish)
(defun state-less-p (s1 s2)
(< (+ (state-score s1)
(funcall heuristic (state-x s1) finish))
(+ (state-score s2)
(funcall heuristic (state-x s2) finish))))
(let* ((best (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(todo (queues:make-queue :priority-queue :compare #'state-less-p)))
(queues:qpush todo (list (cons 0 start)))
for s = (queues:qpop todo)
until (or
(null s)
(funcall finished-p (state-x s) finish))
finally (return s)
do (loop
for next in (funcall next-moves map (state-x s))
for score = (+ (state-score s) (cdr next))
for next-x = (car next)
if (>= (gethash next-x best 1000000000) score)
do (progn
(queues:qpush todo (cons (cons score next-x) s))
(setf (gethash next-x best) score)))
Add table
Reference in a new issue