solved day17
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 404 additions and 20 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
@ -1,35 +1,262 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/17
(:use :cl :aoc :alexandria :trivia :lla)
(:use :cl :aoc :alexandria :lla :arrow-macros)
(in-package :aoc/2024/17)
(defun parse-line (line)
(defstruct cpu
(ip 0)
(a 0)
(b 0)
(c 0)
(mem #())
(state :running))
(defun cpu-with-ip (cpu ip)
:ip ip
:a (cpu-a cpu)
:b (cpu-b cpu)
:c (cpu-c cpu)
:mem (cpu-mem cpu)
:state (cpu-state cpu)))
(defun cpu-inc-ip (cpu n)
(cpu-with-ip cpu (+ (cpu-ip cpu) n)))
(defun cpu-with-a (cpu a)
:ip (cpu-ip cpu)
:a a
:b (cpu-b cpu)
:c (cpu-c cpu)
:mem (cpu-mem cpu)
:state (cpu-state cpu)))
(defun cpu-with-b (cpu b)
:ip (cpu-ip cpu)
:a (cpu-a cpu)
:b b
:c (cpu-c cpu)
:mem (cpu-mem cpu)
:state (cpu-state cpu)))
(defun cpu-with-c (cpu c)
:ip (cpu-ip cpu)
:a (cpu-a cpu)
:b (cpu-b cpu)
:c c
:mem (cpu-mem cpu)
:state (cpu-state cpu)))
(defun cpu-with-state (cpu state)
:ip (cpu-ip cpu)
:a (cpu-a cpu)
:b (cpu-b cpu)
:c (cpu-c cpu)
:mem (cpu-mem cpu)
:state state))
(defun cpu-with-mem (cpu mem)
:ip (cpu-ip cpu)
:a (cpu-a cpu)
:b (cpu-b cpu)
:c (cpu-c cpu)
:mem mem
:state (cpu-state cpu)))
(defun parse-line (line)
(let ((nums (second (ppcre:split ": " line))))
(mapcar #'parse-integer (ppcre:split "," nums)))
(defun parse-input (lines)
(mapcar #'parse-line lines))
(let ((a (first (parse-line (nth 0 lines))))
(b (first (parse-line (nth 1 lines))))
(c (first (parse-line (nth 2 lines))))
(program (parse-line (nth 4 lines))))
:ip 0
:a a
:b b
:c c
:mem (make-array (length program)
:initial-contents program)
:state :running)))
(defparameter input-text (test-input 2024 17))
(defparameter input-data (parse-input input-text))
(defparameter sample-text (aoc:split-lines ""))
(defparameter sample-text (aoc:split-lines "Register A: 729
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 0,1,5,4,3,0"))
(defparameter sample-data
(parse-input sample-text))
(parse-input sample-text))
(defun to-opcode (cpu)
(let ((n (aref (cpu-mem cpu) (cpu-ip cpu))))
(case n
(0 :adv)
(1 :bxl)
(2 :bst)
(3 :jnz)
(4 :bxc)
(5 :out)
(6 :bdv)
(7 :cdv))))
(defun literal-operand (cpu)
(aref (cpu-mem cpu) (1+ (cpu-ip cpu))))
(defun combo-operand (cpu)
(let ((operand (literal-operand cpu)))
(ccase operand
((0 1 2 3) operand)
(4 (cpu-a cpu))
(5 (cpu-b cpu))
(6 (cpu-c cpu))
(7 :reserved))))
(defun execute-opcode (cpu output)
(let ((opcode (to-opcode cpu)))
(let ((next (ccase opcode
(:adv (->
(cpu-with-a cpu (ash (cpu-a cpu) (- (combo-operand cpu))))
(cpu-inc-ip 2)))
(:bxl (->
(cpu-with-b cpu (logxor (cpu-b cpu) (literal-operand cpu)))
(cpu-inc-ip 2)))
(:bst (->
(cpu-with-b cpu (mod (combo-operand cpu) 8))
(cpu-inc-ip 2)))
(:jnz (if (zerop (cpu-a cpu))
(cpu-inc-ip cpu 2)
(cpu-with-ip cpu (literal-operand cpu))))
(:bxc (->
(cpu-with-b cpu (logxor (cpu-b cpu) (cpu-c cpu)))
(cpu-inc-ip 2)))
(:out (progn
(push (mod (combo-operand cpu) 8) output)
(cpu-inc-ip cpu 2)))
(:bdv (->
(cpu-with-b cpu (ash (cpu-a cpu) (- (combo-operand cpu))))
(cpu-inc-ip 2)))
(:cdv (->
(cpu-with-c cpu (ash (cpu-a cpu) (- (combo-operand cpu))))
(cpu-inc-ip 2))))))
(values next output))))
(defun instruction-cycle (cpu output)
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
((eq :halted (cpu-state cpu))
(values cpu output))
((not (array-in-bounds-p (cpu-mem cpu) (cpu-ip cpu)))
(values (cpu-with-state cpu :halted) output))
(execute-opcode cpu output)))
(values cpu out))
(defun run-program (initial &optional (output '()))
with values and cpu
do (setf (values cpu output) (instruction-cycle (or cpu initial) output))
until (eq :halted (cpu-state cpu))
finally (return
(values cpu (reverse output)))))
(defun part1 (data)
(length data))
(multiple-value-bind (_ out)
(run-program data)
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}" out)))
(defun disassemble (cpu)
(let ((program (cpu-mem cpu))
(cpu (copy-cpu cpu)))
for ip from 0 below (array-dimension program 0) by 2
do (setf (cpu-ip cpu) ip)
do (let ((opcode (to-opcode cpu))
(operand (literal-operand cpu)))
(format t " ~A ~A~%" opcode operand)))))
;; BST 4 --> B = A mod 8
;; BXL 1 --> B = B xor 1
;; CDV 5 --> C = A shr B
;; BXC 6 --> B = B xor C
;; BXL 4 --> B = B xor 4
;; ADV 3 --> A = A shr 3
;; OUT 5 ---> out B
;; JNZ 0
;; so the loop does not depend on the initial versions of B and C
;; B can maximally be 7,
;; we are only interested in the 10 bottom bits of A : 7 + 3
;; so we can brute force over the 10 lower bits to get at the end of the loop
;; a given A and output
;; only the bottom 3 bits of A change
(defun find-a (cpu target-a target-out)
(let ((snippet (cpu-with-mem
(cpu-mem cpu)
(list (- (array-dimension (cpu-mem cpu) 0) 2)))))
for bot-a from 0 to 7
for c = (cpu-with-a snippet (+ (ash target-a 3) bot-a))
until (multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(run-program c '())
(and (= (cpu-a cpu) target-a)
(equal (car out) target-out)))
finally (return (+ (ash target-a 3) bot-a)))))
(defun solve-part2 (data)
for x in (reverse (coerce (cpu-mem data) 'list))
for a = (find-a data (or a 0) x)
finally (return a))
(defun part2 (data)
(length data))
(format nil "~A" (solve-part2 data)))
(defun solve-day ()
(format t "part1: ~A~%" (part1 input-data))
@ -1,26 +1,183 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2024/17/tests
(:use :cl :aoc :aoc/tests :aoc/2024/tests :parachute :aoc/2024/17))
(:use :cl :aoc :aoc/tests :aoc/2024/tests :parachute :aoc/2024/17 :arrow-macros))
(in-package :aoc/2024/17/tests)
(define-test suite-2024-17
;:parent suite-2024
(define-test test-foo
:parent suite-2024-17
(define-test test-adv
:parent suite-2024-17
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 4 :mem #(0 1)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 2 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 256 :b 7 :mem #(0 5)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 2 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 7 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(define-test test-bxl
:parent suite-2024-17
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :b 4 :mem #(1 7)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 3 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(define-test test-bst
:parent suite-2024-17
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :b 4 :mem #(2 3)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 3 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 89 :b 4 :mem #(2 4)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 89 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 1 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :b 13 :mem #(2 5)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 5 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :b 4 :c 69 :mem #(2 6)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 5 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 69 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(define-test test-jnz
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :b 4 :c 69 :mem #(3 69)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 5 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 69 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :b 4 :c 69 :mem #(2 6)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 5 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 69 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out)
(define-test test-bdv
:parent suite-2024-17
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 4 :mem #(6 1)) '())
(is = (cpu-ip cpu) 2)
(is = (cpu-a cpu) 4)
(is = (cpu-b cpu) 2)
(is = (cpu-c cpu) 0)
(is eq (cpu-state cpu) :running)
(is equal out '()))
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 256 :b 7 :mem #(6 5)) '())
(is = (cpu-ip cpu) 2)
(is = (cpu-a cpu) 256)
(is = 2 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq (cpu-state cpu) :running)
(is equal out '()))
(define-test tet-cdv
:parent suite-2024-17
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 4 :mem #(7 1)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 4 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 0 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 2 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out))
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :a 256 :b 7 :mem #(7 5)) '())
(is = 2 (cpu-ip cpu))
(is = 256 (cpu-a cpu))
(is = 7 (cpu-b cpu))
(is = 2 (cpu-c cpu))
(is eq :running (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '() out))
(define-test test-bar
:parent suite-2024-17
(define-test test-cpu
:parent suite-2024-17
;; If register C contains 9, the program 2,6 would set register B to 1.
(multiple-value-bind (cpu)
(instruction-cycle (make-cpu :c 9 :mem #(2 6)) '())
(is = 1 (cpu-b cpu)))
;; If register A contains 10, the program 5,0,5,1,5,4 would output 0,1,2
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(run-program (make-cpu :a 10 :mem #(5 0 5 1 5 4)))
(is equal :halted (cpu-state cpu))
(is equal '(0 1 2) out))
;; If register A contains 2024, the program 0,1,5,4,3,0 would output 4,2,5,6,7,7,7,7,3,1,0 and leave 0 in register A.
(multiple-value-bind (cpu out)
(run-program (make-cpu :a 2024 :mem #(0 1 5 4 3 0)))
(is = 0 (cpu-a cpu))
(is equal '(4 2 5 6 7 7 7 7 3 1 0) out))
;; If register B contains 29, the program 1,7 would set register B to 26.
(multiple-value-bind (cpu)
(run-program (make-cpu :b 29 :mem #(1 7)))
(is = 26 (cpu-b cpu)))
;; If register B contains 2024 and register C contains 43690, the program 4,0 would set register B to 44354.
(multiple-value-bind (cpu)
(run-program (make-cpu :b 2024 :c 43690 :mem #(4 0)))
(is = 44354 (cpu-b cpu))))
(define-test+run test-part1
:parent suite-2024-17
(is equal nil (part1 sample-data)))
:parent suite-2024-17
(is equal "4,6,3,5,6,3,5,2,1,0" (part1 sample-data)))
(define-test+run test-part2
:parent suite-2024-17
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