
95 lines
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(define-module (game render hero)
#:use-module (game model hero)
#:use-module (game util assets)
#:use-module (chickadee)
#:use-module (chickadee math vector)
#:use-module (chickadee graphics sprite)
#:use-module (chickadee graphics texture)
#:use-module (chickadee graphics text)
#:export (render-hero
;; start index of the walk animation
(define hero-walking-offset 56)
(define hero-falling-offset 32)
(define hero-climbing-offset 48)
(define (hero-sprite-walking hero)
(let* ((x (hero-x hero))
(animation-frame (remainder x 8))
(hero-index (+ hero-walking-offset animation-frame)))
(texture-atlas-ref hero-atlas hero-index)))
(define (hero-sprite-stationary _hero)
(texture-atlas-ref hero-atlas 56))
(define (hero-sprite-falling hero)
(let* ((y (hero-y hero))
(animation-frame (remainder y 8))
(hero-index (+ hero-falling-offset animation-frame)))
(texture-atlas-ref hero-atlas hero-index)))
(define (hero-sprite-climbing hero)
(let* ((y (hero-y hero))
(animation-frame (remainder y 8))
(hero-index (+ hero-climbing-offset animation-frame)))
(texture-atlas-ref hero-atlas hero-index)))
(define red-tile 3501)
(define green-tile 3502)
(define good-marker-tile 1227)
(define bad-marker-tile 1226)
(define (render-bloat-indicator bloat)
(let ((red (texture-atlas-ref tile-atlas red-tile))
(green (texture-atlas-ref tile-atlas green-tile))
(good-marker (texture-atlas-ref tile-atlas good-marker-tile))
(bad-marker (texture-atlas-ref tile-atlas bad-marker-tile))
(draw-sprite red (vec2 0 128))
(draw-sprite red (vec2 0 144))
(draw-sprite red (vec2 0 160))
(draw-sprite green (vec2 0 176))
(draw-sprite green (vec2 0 192))
(draw-sprite green (vec2 0 208))
(draw-sprite green (vec2 0 224))
(draw-sprite green (vec2 0 240))
(draw-sprite green (vec2 0 256))
(draw-sprite red (vec2 0 272))
(draw-sprite red (vec2 0 288))
(draw-sprite red (vec2 0 304))
(if (< 0.5 bloat 1.5) good-marker bad-marker)
(vec2 0 (+ 120 (* 96 bloat))))
(define (render-hero hero)
(let ((position (vec2+ (hero-position hero)
(if (equal? 'go-left (hero-state hero))
(vec2* (vec2 16.0 1.0) (hero-bloat hero))
(vec2* (vec2 -16.0 1.0) (hero-bloat hero)))))
(scale (if (equal? 'go-left (hero-state hero))
(vec2 (- (hero-bloat hero)) 1.0)
(vec2 (hero-bloat hero) 1.0)))
(sprite (case (hero-state hero)
((stationary) (hero-sprite-stationary hero))
((fall) (hero-sprite-falling hero))
((climb) (hero-sprite-climbing hero))
((go-left) (hero-sprite-walking hero))
((go-right) (hero-sprite-walking hero))
(draw-sprite sprite position #:scale scale))
(format #f "Calories Exercised: ~a" (floor (hero-exercise hero)))
(vec2 216 4))
(format #f "Bloat: ~a" (hero-bloat hero))
(vec2 516 4))
(render-bloat-indicator (hero-bloat hero))