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title = "Leveraging Env Vars in Rust Apps"
tags = [ "rust", "config" ]
categories = [ "programming", "apps"]
Environment variable have gained a lot of importance since the rise of
the container based deployments and (consequently) the popularity of the
[12 factor app](
It also has become very practical with the widespread support of the
*.env* file in the project folder which makes configuring apps during
development very practical.
# Using environment in Rust
The [std::env]( package
gives access to the environment variables, and also information about
the working directory, the location of the program executing, temp
folder, etc...
The method we really are interested in is
``` example
match env::var("MQTT_BROKER") {
Ok(mqtt_broker) => mqtt_init(&mqtt_broker).await,
Err(e) => error!("No broker specified in MQTT_BROKER environment variable.({})", e)
It returns a *Result\<String, VarError\>* which we can easily pattern
match on and give readable feedback to the user.
I thing this is perfectly fine for simple, small apps I am likely to
write in the foreseeable future.
# Controlling Logging from the Environment
Another thing needed for smallisch apps is a logging system with the
following requirements:
- Controllable via environment
- Add a timestamp
- Output to stdout or stderr (a 12 factor thing)
- Namespace modules
- Override config for specific modules
Rust has a standard logging API defined in the [log
crate]( crate for which a large
selection of implementations is available.
The first one on the [list with
fit all my requirements, so that\'s fine.
All we need to do is initialize it after reading the environment
variables from the *.env* file :
``` example
async fn main() {
and we are logging using the standard `debug!`{.verbatim},
`info!`{.verbatim}, `warn!`{.verbatim}, ... macros.
# Scaling to larger apps
When apps grow (or just when they live long enough) they tend to
accumulate config options and layers of modules making logging also a
When confronted with these issues I saw that the *config* and *envy*
crates offer nice layered configuration support and straightforward
pouring in type safe structs.
Similarly there are more flexible, and consequently more complex,
logging frameworks like *log4rs*. There are also structured logging
libraries but I still need to see how these can work in containers
without adding additional hoops to jump through.
Let\'s hope my apps stay small and simple and do not need this
additional complexity.