We build our solutions mostly on Ubuntu Natty and we deploy to Debian (currently lenny). One problem we face is that Debian has a slow release cycle and the packages are dated. Before a new release is approved and deployed to our target servers it can still take many months causing us to have to use up to 3 year old technology. So we are often faced to 'backport' packages or debianize existing packages if we want to use the current releases. In the past we had different build servers for the target architectures. However this is a heavy solution and scales poorly. It also makes upgrading to the next release that much heavier. So we need a system for building debian packages that is :
1. Fully automated
2. Target multiple distributions Debian (lenny,squeeze) and Ubuntu(natty, maverick)
3. Build on development machines(a) and Jenkins/Hudson CI servers(b)
4. easily configurable
5. memorizable process
The goal is to make packages for internal consumption, and the process outlined here falls short of the community standards.
### Enter pbuilder
Of course we are not the first or only one with this issue. In fact we are laggards and there are excellent articles on the 'net to help us with these goals. e.g.
* [PBuilder User Manual](http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/pbuilder-doc/pbuilder-doc.html)
* [Pbuilder Tricks on the Debian Wiki](http://wiki.debian.org/PbuilderTricks)
* [PBuilder How To over at the Ubuntu Wiki](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto)
The **pbuilder** program create a clean room environment of a freshly installed empty debian or ubuntu distro, chroot into it and starts building based on the project metadata, mostly from the **debian/control** file. It does this by unpacking a preconfigured **base** image of the selectable target , installing the build dependencies, building the package in the cleanroom, moving the artifacts to the hosting machine and cleaning everything up again. And it does this actually surprisingly fast. This clearly satisfies goals 1 and 2 (and half of 3 if we assume a developer has full control over his laptop). The **pbuilder** is configured through commandline options, which are clear and friendly enough but you end up with commandlines of several lines long which are impossible to type in a shell and are a maintenance nightmare in build scripts (clearly conflicts with point 5). Also in the ideal world we would be able to retarget a build without touching the checked out files, e.g. with environment variable (see goals 3 and 4).
### Configuring pbuilder
On the Pbuilders Tricks page I found a big smart shell script to use as the **pbuilder** configuration file **~/.pbuilderrc**.
\# Codenames for Debian suites according to their alias. Update these when needed.
I just updated the distribution names to the current situation and added the directory where the packages are collected as a repository so subsequent builds can use these packages as dependencies. I also specified the keyrings to use for Debian and Ubuntu and made sure the expected folders are created to mount them in the clean room. I created this in my account on my development laptop and added a symbolic link in ~root/.pbuilderrc to this file so I can update it from my desktop environment and do not have to get my brain all twisted up to try to remember with which configuration I am busy in my shell, sudo, **su -**, … THe way the script works is that the configuration adapts itself to the content of the **DIST** and **ARCH** environment variables. So to configure **lenny-amd64** as target is sufficient to do
~ > export DIST=lenny
~ > export ARCH=amd64
This approach is also perfect Jenkins or Hudson to determine the target build from checked out sources, since it can be specified in the build recipe. (satisfies goals 3b, 4 and 5) Since we have to run these programs using sudo we must make sure the environment variables are passed by sudo. We can do this in the **Defaults** line of the **/etc/sudoers** file with the **envkeep** instruction.
\# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
\#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
You add the **DIST** and **ARCH** variables there. I also included the environment variables for proxying so I can easily switch between environment on my laptop and these changes propagate to sudo (which is also useful for plain apt-get, by the way). I also added a line to show how to make the tools available for a user without having to give their password. This is not needed for interactive work, but very much so for the user as which the CI server is running (in our case **jenkins**). Note that the definition should be after the group definitions, otherwise these take precedence and jenkins has to provide his password (read: is hanging during the build).
### Creating the target base images
The heavy lifting is now done. Let's create an **base.tgz** for lenny-amd64.
~ > export DIST=lenny
~ > export ARCH=amd64
~ > sudo pbuilder create
Now go and have a cup of coffee (or read some emails). Rinse and repeat for the other target platforms.
I: extracting base tarball \[/var/cache/pbuilder/lenny-amd64-base.tgz\]
and you should get a nice set of debian packages in \*/var/cache/pbuilder/lenny-amd64. In practice you will often end up with errors like :
... snip ...
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: xulrunner-dev (>= 2.0~) but it is not installable
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
Remove the following packages:
Score is -9850
Writing extended state information... Done
... snip ...
I: cleaning the build env
I: removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//6279 and its subdirectories
In these case you have to walk the dependency tree till you find the leafs, and walk back up the branches to the trunk. Note also that chances are that unless you target machines which only serve a very specific purpose, you might end up with packages which are uninstallable since you pull out the rug from other installed packages. However we have the principle to use 1 virtual host to deliver 1 service, hence there are very little packages deployed to them and nothing complicated like desktop environments. Simple leaf packages often build without a hitch:
Many of our packages are debianized and can be build using **debuild**. I use here the Ubuntu sources of tokyocabinet as an example (which uses the libevent package we just built, btw):
I: removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//4199 and its subdirectories
I: Current time: Thu Jul 14 15:05:27 CEST 2011
I: pbuilder-time-stamp: 1310648727
~/tmp/tokyocabinet-1.4.37 ᐅ ls /var/cache/pbuilder/lenny-amd64/result
Sometimes the dependencies break on the version of debhelpers. This version is added conservatively by the dh\* scripts and often is overly conservative. Many packages build just fine with older versions of the debhelpers.
### Setting up automated build
To set this up on the build server we have to replicate the steps above
1. Create the ~/.pbuilderrc file
2. Symbolic link to this file in ~root/.pbuilderrc
3. Allow jenkins to use sudo for building packages