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2023-10-20 20:13:10 +02:00
title = "Emacs Debugging with Dape"
date = 2023-10-20
2023-10-20 20:13:10 +02:00
tags = ["emacs"]
categories = ["programming"]
For reasons I keep a set of machines where I regularly work on in sync so they offer a familiar environment. This includes a dual boot desktop (Ubuntu/Windows+WSL), laptop (Arch/Windows+WSL), a VPS(Arch) doing stuff, a virtual Ubuntu thing which is always running to monitor stuff on my NAS, and a Steam deck (Arch kinda). I expect these to be familiar environments so I can do some light development and scripting on them at least.
# Test plan
In order to test the debugging support we need some minimum set of requirements to avoid descending in the abyss of incremental details.
To evaluate the configuration for a language we need
- a simple project in order not to be debugging the build system or the code itself taking more time than setting up the debugging. DAP is plenty complicated on its own.
- The DAP adapter installed with minimal manual work because otherwise it wont get done and there will be too much variance/rework between systems
- A set of familiar keybindings
My requirements are:
- I can run the program in the debugger
- I can pass command line arguments to the script
- I can break the program on a line in the editor
- I can examine variables in scope when the breakpoint is hit
- I can see the output of the program
- I can quit/restart and there should not be leaking of processes/network ports/buffers. I.e. I can get back to editing and debugging without rebooting my PC.
- (I would like to pass environment variables too, but since apparently direnv works fine for my purposes I hardly ever use it anymore, so keep that on the backburner for now.)
I do not really use debugging for something else. I actually seldom use the debugger. Mostly for learning new programming languages or playing with libraries concepts. If things get hairy I return back to logging/println debugging anyway (or adding more tests to herd the bugs in a small area).
My test procedure is as follows.
- open the source code
- place a breakpoint early in the program after some variables are set
- `<leader>dd` to start the debugger
- curse on the dape prompt to select the program and pass arguments, set the *cwd* and more of that fun.
- check if the breakpoint is hit
- examine the variables
- continue to see the program continue with `<leader>dc`
- quit the program with `<leader>dq`
- verify we are back in our familiar editing session
- do a quick `ps ax` to see if we do not have unwanted critters still crawling around the process space.
It is far from a comprehensive test, but we are testing here if the DAP adapter is properly installed and behaving as expected in my environment, not a validation test of the adapter itself.
## Javascript/Typescript example
I assume that if I can debug typescript, I can debug javascript. So I created a little typescript program to calculate the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
But first installing the DAP adapter. It is a bit fiddly and I do not want to repeat that on all my systems so I let emacs to the heavy lifting. It are just the instructions from the *dape* repo:
(setq snam-vscode-js-debug-dir (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "dape/vscode-js-debug"))
(defun snam-install-vscode-js-debug ()
"Run installation procedure to install JS debugging support"
(mkdir snam-vscode-js-debug-dir t)
(let ((default-directory (expand-file-name snam-vscode-js-debug-dir)))
(vc-git-clone "" "." nil)
(message "git repository created")
(call-process "npm" nil "*snam-install*" t "install")
(message "npm dependencies installed")
(call-process "npx" nil "*snam-install*" t "gulp" "dapDebugServer")
(message "vscode-js-debug installed")))
Then add the dap config for the javascript and typescript modes:
``` lisp
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (js-mode js-ts-mode typescript-mode typescript-ts-mode)
host "localhost"
port 8123
command "node"
command-cwd ,(file-name-concat snam-vscode-js-debug-dir "dist")
command-args ("src/dapDebugServer.js" "8123")
:type "pwa-node"
:request "launch"
:cwd dape-cwd-fn
:program dape-find-file-buffer-default
:outputCapture "console"
:sourceMapRenames t
:pauseForSourceMap nil
:enableContentValidation t
:autoAttachChildProcesses t
:console "internalConsole"
:killBehavior "forceful"))
The debugging our little app. Answer at the prompt:
vscode-js-node :program "src/main.ts"
and the debug view opens:
![Typescript Debug Example](typescript_example.png)
## Python example
As indicated on the dape repo install the python DAP adapter
``` sh
$ pip install debugpy
Add the default settings to `dape-configs`
``` lisp
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (python-ts-mode python-mode)
command "c:/Python312/python.exe"
command-args ("-m" "debugpy.adapter")
:type "executable"
:request "launch"
:cwd dape-cwd-fn
:program dape-find-file-buffer-default))
and update the command to wherever python is installed. This is from my windows machine which succeeded again to lose its default python config so I have to coerce it a bit to find it.
Open a python file, and start the debugger. On the `Dape config:` prompt enter:
debugpy :args ["6" "7"]
There are many more parameters, but *dape* will ask the missing ones with the functions in the configuration, here `dapy-cwd-fn` to fill in the current working directory (usually the project root) in the `:cwd` field and `dape-find-file-buffer-default` will propose the open file to run as the program to debug.
It cannot meaningfully guess which parameters I want to pass so I add manually the `:attr` field with the values `"6"` and `"7"` in a vector. Do not use a list for that as that is not properly encoded by the json converter.
It asks to confirm the program and opens the debugging views:
![Python debugging views](python_example.png)
## Go Example
Installing the go adapter is just installing *delve* with your favorite package manager. If your package manager does not help (looking at you, chocolatey):
go install
I did not bother to emacsify this as it is completely different for all my systems and I probably revisit that some time if I have a good idea to somehow abstract the differences away.
Adding the config to `dape-configs`:
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (go-mode go-ts-mode)
command "dlv"
command-args ("dap" "--listen" "")
command-cwd dape-cwd-fn
host ""
port 55878
:type "debug" ;; needed to set the adapterID correctly as a string type
:request "launch"
:cwd dape-cwd-fn
:program dape-cwd-fn))
see debugging tips for an experience report (I made some typo while copy pasting... ). I used it to illustrate how I got around installation hickups.
## Rust Example
Similar to Typescript I assume that if I can debug Rust, I should be able to debug C/C++ (which I try to avoid as much as possible).
I automated the installation of the DAP adapter for LLD
``` lisp
(setq snam-codelldb-dir (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "dape/codelldb"))
(defun snam-install-codelldb ()
"Install Vadimcn.Vscode-Lldb DAP server for C/C++/RUST"
(let* ((default-directory snam-codelldb-dir)
(arch (car (split-string system-configuration "-" nil nil)))
(os (pcase system-type
(='windows-nt "windows")
(='gnu/linux "linux")
(='darwin "darwin")
('_ "unknown")))
(version "1.10.0")
(release-url (concat "" version "/codelldb-" arch "-" os ".vsix")))
(mkdir default-directory t)
(url-copy-file release-url "" t)
(message "codelldb archive downloaded")
(call-process "unzip" nil "*snam-install*" t "")
(message "codelldb installed")
Again this is just the installation instructions from the *dape* repo in emacs lisp.
adding the default config:
``` lisp
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (c-mode c-ts-mode
c++-mode c++-ts-mode
rust-ts-mode rust-mode)
;; Replace vadimcn.vscode-lldb with the vsix directory you just extracted
command ,(expand-file-name
(concat "extension/adapter/codelldb"
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
host "localhost"
port 5818
command-args ("--port" "5818")
:type "lldb"
:request "launch"
:cwd dape-cwd-fn
:program dape-find-file))
Since here the DAP is a binary I have to finagle the Windows file extension to make it work.
Then opening a rust binary, here `src/`, setting a breakpoint and launching the debugger.
I answered on the prompt
codelldb :args ["on"]
to specify the arguments for the program to be debugged.
Dape sees that the program is not specified so it asks for it and with tab completion `tar<TAB>deb<TAB>bil<TAB>` this is quickly selected and I am greeted with:
![Rust debugging example](rust_example.png)
## Debugging Tips
When trying the Go example I hit a snag : the debugger started but no active thread was present.
First stop is to open `*dape_debug*` buffer :
[info] Starting new multi session
[info] Server process started ("dlv" "dap" "--listen" "")
Process ("dlv" "dap" "--listen" "") exited with 1
[info] Connection to server established
[io] Sending:
(:clientID "dape" :adapterID nil :pathFormat "path" :linesStartAt1 t :columnsStartAt1 t :supportsRunInTerminalRequest t :supportsProgressReporting t :supportsStartDebuggingRequest t)
:type "request" :command "initialize" :seq 1)
Process nil exited with 256
[error] Timeout for reached for seq 1
So the process immediately exits, but we see no output. It would be nice to get that in the buffer, but it isn't...
Let's steal the command and run it in a terminal :
Zeus :: ~ % dlv dap --listen >>>
DAP server listening at:
Now restart the debugger by quitting the debug session and starting a fresh one (we cannot use the restart command as the adapter is not running, we need to restart the adapter not the debugged program).
Zeus :: ~ % dlv dap --listen >>>
DAP server listening at:
2023-10-20T18:13:02+02:00 error layer=dap DAP error: json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field InitializeRequestArguments.arguments.adapterID of type string
Zeus :: ~ %
Ok, the typechecker got a bool where it expected a string. Opening *dape.el* and searching for `json-serialize` we find the location.
(defun dape-send-object (process seq object)
"Helper for `dape-request' to send SEQ request with OBJECT to PROCESS."
(let* ((object (plist-put object :seq seq))
(json (json-serialize object :false-object nil))
(string (format "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" (length json) json)))
(dape--debug 'io "Sending:\n%s" (pp-to-string object))
(process-send-string process string)))
Let's print out the JSON we're sending :
(defun dape-send-object (process seq object)
"Helper for `dape-request' to send SEQ request with OBJECT to PROCESS."
(let* ((object (plist-put object :seq seq))
(json (json-serialize object :false-object nil))
(string (format "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" (length json) json)))
(dape--debug 'io "Sending:\n%s" (pp-to-string object))
(dape--debug 'io "Sending JSON:\n%s" json)
(process-send-string process string)))
this gives
(:clientID "dape" :adapterID nil :pathFormat "path" :linesStartAt1 t :columnsStartAt1 t :supportsRunInTerminalRequest t :supportsProgressReporting t :supportsStartDebuggingRequest t)
:type "request" :command "initialize" :seq 1)
[io] Sending JSON:
The supportsXXX things look to be bools, but the *adapterID* feels funny to be a bool... Where does this come from?
(defun dape--initialize (process)
"Send initialize request to PROCESS."
(dape-request process
(list :clientID "dape"
:adapterID (plist-get dape--config
:pathFormat "path"
:linesStartAt1 t
:columnsStartAt1 t
;;:locale "en-US"
;;:supportsVariableType t
;;:supportsVariablePaging t
:supportsRunInTerminalRequest t
;;:supportsMemoryReferences t
;;:supportsInvalidatedEvent t
;;:supportsMemoryEvent t
;;:supportsArgsCanBeInterpretedByShell t
:supportsProgressReporting t
:supportsStartDebuggingRequest t
;;:supportsVariableType t
Ok, it comes from the config `:type` attribute... What do I have in my config???
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (go-mode go-ts-mode)
command "dlv"
command-args ("dap" "--listen" "")
command-cwd dape-cwd-fn
host ""
port 55878
dape "debug"
:request "launch"
:cwd dape-cwd-fn
:program dape-cwd-fn))
Hmm... what is that `dape` attribute. In all other configs there is a `:type` in that place. That seems a slip of the finger triggering an unlucky evil command. (I checked on the repo and it was correct there so it was my fault). Let's change it to `:type` and `C-x C-e` the `add-to-list` expression to update the default config.
Let's try again :
![go debug example](go_example.png)
Ok, now we're cookin' with fire!!!