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title = "Samba Adventures with Guix"
author = ["Peter Tillemans"]
date = 2024-08-17T00:00:00+02:00
draft = false
tags = ["linux", "guix"]
categories = ["guix", "os", "linux"]
Samba or CIFS file sharing is a finicky area at best, but widely used,
especially since it was heavily pushed by Microsoft in the Windows
ecosystem, This makes it widely used in corporate and NAS environments
and even for Linux file sharing.
In this post I will look at some ways to use RF'S file sharing as a
client. Personally I find hardly any uses for Samba file serving
nowadays from my compute environments, with **git**, **ssh**, **http(s)**,
databases, MQTT, file synchronization services ... it hardly ever happens that
I face a situation where I think : "Hey, I wish I could serve my files
from my PC/VPS/VM/... with Samba". It is such a generic non-specific
service I usually find a more opinionated data sharing
service. Actually I find the same for NFS.
That being said, it is still ubiquitous to get enterprise data and to
connect to NAS or remote hard disks.
## CIFS Server Simulator {#cifs-server-simulator}
In practice setting up and connecting to a CIFS server is a
frustrating experience due to a bewildering array of different
protocols, security systems, credentials, ... .
To test out accessing a Samba server without having to deal with too
many moving pieces at the same time I like to use a known fixed local
basic samba server. This enables me to get working client - server
configurations which I find easier to tweak to real life servers than
starting from scratch.
Docker hub provides preconfigured images for Samba servers which are
easy to use :
$ docker run --name test-smb -p 4139:139 --rm -p 4445:445 -v `pwd`/samples/:/mnt/export --rm -d dperson/samba -p -u "joe;schmoe" -s "export;/mnt/export/;yes;no;no;joe;;;Test Share"
This will start a samba server and listen on ports 4139 and 4445 so it
does not clash if a server is running on the machine we're using and
we do not need special privileges other than being in the `docker` group
to run **docker** as a regular user. The `-s ...` option configures a share
name **export** which is browsable, not readonly, not accessible by guest
users and can only be accessed with the **joe** user account. This is to
make the experience a bit more in line with usual real world
configuration which are seldom as open as the default settings for
shares. For more details, see [the github repo for the image](
Because this is not a fun command line to type I like to put them in a
**Makefile** in a folder with some support files
$ cd ...
$ mkdir test-smb
$ cd test-smb
$ mkdir samples
$ echo "Hello, Samba" >samples/hello.txt
and then add the Makefile
docker run --name test-smb -p 4139:139 --rm -p 4445:445 -v `pwd`/samples/:/mnt/export --rm -d dperson/samba -p -u "joe;schmoe" -s "export;/mnt/export/;yes;no;no;joe;;;Test Share"
docker stop test-smb
### Guix Notes for Docker {#guix-notes-for-docker}
Docker (and podman too) need some OS support to talk to the kernel to
create the namespaces to make the containers work. Even though podman
does not need a daemon to run, it still needs some **setuid** helpers. I
tend to mostly use **docker** because of habit and everyone else uses it
and tends to be better supported and documented for my use cases. In
any case I did not have any luck getting either to work in a local
`guix shell`.
To enable **docker** on Guix-SD I have the following in my system configuration.
(use-service-modules cups desktop docker networking ssh xorg)
'( ... "docker"))) ;; enable access to docker daemon
;; add docker command line tools
;; enable docker
(service docker-service-type)
When using Guix on a host os, the native **docker** package should work
## Connecting using smbclient {#connecting-using-smbclient}
Before mounting drives we need to ascertain our credentials are
accepted by the Samba server. It makes no sense proceeding trying to
mount shares if we cannot get past authentication and the overhead of
configuring those shares and the Guix configuration rebuilding really
impacts iteration speed when trying things out.
The most straightforward way to connect to a CIFS server is with the
**smbclient** tool which is part of the **samba** package:
➜ guix shell samba
test-smb on  main via 🐃
➜ smbclient -L //localhost -p 4445 -U joe
Password for [WORKGROUP\joe]:
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
export Disk Test Share
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available
test-smb on  main [!] via 🐃 took 4s
➜ smbclient //localhost/export -p 4445 -U joe
Password for [WORKGROUP\joe]:
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls
. D 0 Sat Aug 17 03:49:32 2024
.. D 0 Sat Aug 17 05:22:38 2024
hello.txt N 13 Sat Aug 17 03:50:27 2024
1912951596 blocks of size 1024. 998957000 blocks available
smb: \>
The `guix shell samba` creates a profile with the **samba** package
installed which places \`smbclient\` on the path.
`smbclient -L //servername` lists the services offered by the server, in
our case **localhost** to connect to our docker instance. The `-p 4445`
option selects the custom port we specified on our docker
container. By default **smbclient** will use your login as uid, so we need
to override it to the user we created when starting the docker
container with `-U joe` .
The password is configured as `schmoe`.
We see the `export` folder is shared so we connect to it using
\`smbclient //localhost/export -p 4445 -U joe\` and can list the
contents. And of course we can upload, download and all the other
terminal goodness offered by **smbclient**.
In practice it can be very fiddly to get the right username, password,
Workgroup or Domain, port number, SMB protocol, etc dialed in. The
obtuse messages often do not really help. The other methods make
interpreting errors even harder, with the exception of programmatic
access which is sometime surprisingly helpful in getting a connection
### Save the credentials {#save-the-credentials}
The samba tools have a convention to save the credentials in a
**authentication file** which is supported by most tools AFAICT.
To use this create a file `.smbcredentials` in your home folder. Well,
it can be anything but I like that place as I typically only have my
NAS to connect to using samba and it is for my home folder, backup
folder, my Music and Movies folder and the like, i.e. stuff related to
my user account, so I find it in its place in my home folder.
In it place the `username`, `password` and `domain` which worked with
smbclient so they no longer need to be provided :
Then we can use it:
$ smbclient //localhost/export -p 4445 -A ~/.smbcredentials
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls
. D 0 Sat Aug 17 03:49:32 2024
.. D 0 Sat Aug 17 12:02:13 2024
hello.txt N 13 Sat Aug 17 03:50:27 2024
1912951596 blocks of size 1024. 998918312 blocks available
smb: \>
This save a lot of typing and we can use this file in the next stages
and avoid spreading the credentials all over the disk. I am going to
gloss over encrypting this info any further because I do not keep
nuclear (or any other for that matter) secrets on my nas.
## Mounting Shares with `mount.cifs` {#mounting-shares-with-mount-dot-cifs}
Let's create a mount point in our test folder
$ mkdir mnt
and then mount the share with `mount.cifs`. This is part of the `cifs-utils` package.
ttest-smb on  main [?] via 🐃
➜ guix shell cifs-utils
The following derivation will be built:
building CA certificate bundle...
listing Emacs sub-directories...
building fonts directory...
building directory of Info manuals...
building profile with 1 package...
est-smb on  main via 🐃
sudo mount.cifs //localhost/export mnt -o credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials,port=4445
test-smb on  main [?] via 🐃
➜ ls mnt
test-smb on  main [?] via 🐃
This mounts the share to the folder `mnt`. The `-o` option is used to
point to the credentials file and the port number of our docker NAS
Checking with the regular `mount` command to see if it agrees we mounted
the share:
sudo mount -t cifs
//localhost/export on /home/pti/src/test-smb/mnt type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=3.1.1,cache=strict,username=joe,domain=WORKGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,soft,nounix,serverino,mapposix,rsize=4194304,wsize=4194304,bsize=1048576,echo_interval=60,actimeo=1,closetimeo=1)
test-smb on  main [?] via 🐃
➜ sudo mount | grep cifs
/etc/auto.cifs on /nas type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=6,pgrp=1732,timeout=600,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect,pipe_ino=27049)
//localhost/export on /home/pti/src/test-smb/mnt type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=3.1.1,cache=strict,username=joe,domain=WORKGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,soft,nounix,serverino,mapposix,rsize=4194304,wsize=4194304,bsize=1048576,echo_interval=60,actimeo=1,closetimeo=1)
Calling `mount` without arguments lists all mounted filesystems, however
nowadays the output is so overwhelming that I prefer to use `grep` to
narrow down the output to the filesystem type I am interested in. The
same thing can be achieved by specifying the filesystem type with the
`-t` option.
## Configuring the mounts in the operating system. {#configuring-the-mounts-in-the-operating-system-dot}
The `mount.cifs` command is fine for testing and ad-hoc use but in
practice I mostly (read 99+% of the time) want the same shares of the
NAS mounted in the same place on my system. This is where the `fstab`
file comes in. This file is read by the mount command at boot time and
mounts the configured filesystems.
I do not recommend mounting CIFS shares at boot time, but configuring
the shares in `fstab` is a good way to be able to mount them when needed
with a quick `mount -a` command.
On my Tuxedo system I have in the `/etc/fstab` file
// /home/pti/nas cifs rw,uid=1000,gid=100,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials 0 0
// /mnt/public cifs rw,uid=1000,gid=100,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials 0 0
// /mnt/multimedia cifs rw,uid=1000,gid=100,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials 0 0
The first column is the reference to the share as we've seen
above. Then the mount point. The 3rd column indicates it is a `cifs`
share, Then the options we've seen with smbmount. Here I have to play
with the `uid` and `gid` to align my local user and group with the
configuration on the nas. The last 2 columns are whether to include
the mounts when dumping the filesystem and doing a filesystem check
which will probably always be 0 as the CIFS server is responsible for
In theory this will mount the shares at boot time, and it probably
does, however in my experience it seems they are unmounted on suspend
and not remounted after resume. Or there is some timeout. I never
investigated I must admit. I just do a quick `mount -a` before I need
them and this works wonders.
On Guix-SD the `file-systems` are specified in the `operating-system`
section of the system configuration :
(device "//")
(options "uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials")
(mount-point "/mnt/public")
(type "cifs")
(mount? #f)
(create-mount-point? #t))
(device "//")
(options "uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials")
(mount-point "/mnt/multimedia")
(type "cifs")
(mount? #f)
(create-mount-point? #t))
(device "//")
(options "uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials")
(mount-point "/home/pti/nas")
(type "cifs")
(mount? #f)
(create-mount-point? #t))
Which is just a straightforward translation of the **fstab** columns in
## Automatic Mounting with AutoFs {#automatic-mounting-with-autofs}
Of course the inefficiency of having to type `mount -a` almost on a
weekly basis is unbearable and this inefficiency has to be addressed
even if this means we cannot expect net positive effect in the coming
Enter `autofs` which is an awesome system to dynamically mount and
unmount filesystems on an as needed basis. The kernel will notice when
a mounted folder is accessed and ask the **autofs daemon** to mount the
configured mount and unmount it after some timeout occurs without any
This is transparant for the user other than a slight delay when
accessing the folder the first time when it is unmounted.
This system is very flexible at it was clearly intended for far more
ambitious use-cases than accessing your personal music library from
your nas, but that does not mean we cannot strip it down and use it
for our purposes.
What is a bit confusing is the configuration. It uses 3 different
file types to configure the system.
- the `/etc/autofs.conf` file which configures the daemon operating
options, like the timeouts and the location of the main **master file**.
- the master file(s), there is always a main file, but this can
delegate to directory with additional parts of the file which can be
assumed to be imported in the main file. Its main purpose is to map
a parent folder of mount points to a **map file**.
- the map files which map a subfolder in the folder from the line in
the **master file** to a mount specification which will be used when
that folder is accessed.
### Example on the Tuxedo: {#example-on-the-tuxedo}
On my Tuxedo (running Tuxedo OS which is an Ubuntu 22.04 derivate) I have the following configuration:
- `/etc/autofs.conf`:
[ autofs ]
# master_map_name - default map name for the master map.
master_map_name = /etc/auto.master
so the **master map** is in the file `/etc/auto.master`.
- `/etc/auto.master`:
/- /etc/ -ro
The "/-" is a special case which means "any" directory. In this case
the folder name in the **map file** is assumed to be a fully qualified
directory name instead of a subfolder in the folder mentioned in the
first column. In this case the **map file** is `/etc/` and the
default options are `-ro` .
- `/etc/`:
/home/pti/nas -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,vers=3.0,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials ://
This shows that the mount point `/home/pti/nas` will mount the share
`//` of file system type cifs with the options
(the rest of the 2nd column) as mount options.
### Example on the Guix-SD desktop {#example-on-the-guix-sd-desktop}
Unfortunately there is not (yet) packaged support for an **autofs**
service-type, so we have to make it ourselves.
First we define a configuration record type for our new service:
(define-record-type* <autofs-configuration>
autofs-configuration make-autofs-configuration
(pid-file autofs-configuration-pid-file
(default "/var/run/"))
(autofs-direct autofs-configuration-autofs-direct
(default (plain-file "" "/home/pti/autonas -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,vers=3.0,credentials=/home/pti/.smbcredentials ://"))))
I should probably not put my actual configuration in the default, but
it makes my life easier at the moment and I'll refactor it
later. (Yeah, sure...)
Since the autofs service needs some boilerplate configuration files I
generate them with an activation function:
(define (autofs-activation config)
"Return the activation GEXP to create the config files for autofs"
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(ice-9 textual-ports))
(define (touch file-name)
(call-with-output-file file-name (const #t)))
;; 'sshd' complains if the authorized-key directory and its parents
;; are group-writable, which rules out /gnu/store. Thus we copy the
;; authorized-key directory to /etc.
(call-with-output-file "/etc/autofs.conf"
(lambda (f) (put-string f "
[ autofs ]
master_map_name = /etc/auto.master
timeout = 300
(call-with-output-file "/etc/auto.master"
(lambda (f) (put-string f (format #f "/- ~a -ro\n" #$(autofs-configuration-autofs-direct config)))))
You'll recognize the absolutely stripped down versions of the files
mentioned above being generated. The `/etc/auto.master` file maps the
**directfs** map file to the file generated in the configuration record.
This should tie up nicely the links between the 3 files.
Then I need a **shepherd service** to start the **autofs** daemon:
(define (autofs-shepherd-service config)
(define pid-file (autofs-configuration-pid-file config))
(provision '(autofs))
(documentation "AutoFS Service.")
(requirement '(networking))
(start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
#$(file-append autofs "/sbin/automount")
"-f" ;; run in foreground to give shepherd more control
"-p" #$(autofs-configuration-pid-file config)
#:pid-file #$(autofs-configuration-pid-file config)))
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
We point it to the generated **auto.master** file from the activation
function. (I could probably refactor this to use guix instantiated
files but at this stage that extra level of indirection would only
confuse me and make debugging harder. I find jumping through 3 files
already hard enough to follow).
Then we need to put a bow around it and define an `autofs-service-type`.
(define autofs-service-type
(service-type (name 'autofs)
(description "Run the autofs daemon to automount folders on access.")
(service-extension activation-service-type autofs-activation)
(service-extension shepherd-root-service-type autofs-shepherd-service)))
(compose concatenate)
(default-value (autofs-configuration)))
This just extends the `activation-service-type` and the
`shepherd-root-service-type` to run our initialisation code and ensure
the **autofs** daemon gets started.
Then we can add this to our system configuration:
(service autofs-service-type))
i.e. add the `autofs` package to install the daemon and support stuff
and enable the service of type `autofs-service-type`.
## Conclusion {#conclusion}
I can now use files on my nas transparantly. I was a bit flippant on
my reasons to enable **autofs**. The real reason was that I want to keep
automatic backup copies of my forge running on an VPS somewhere on my
NAS with a cron job, which means I would not be there to run a `mount
-a` at the time. (I now realize I could do that as part of the cron
job : 20/20 hindsight). In any case this is a major quality of life
improvement. As a side effect, my music library now gets properly
indexed and is made available on the default music player. Apparently
I still use CIFS more than I care to admit.
The big problem with SMB/CIFS is getting the initial connection
going. Once that is achieved and the credentials are safely stored
away in **credentials** file, they can be easily reused with a lot less
surprising things along the way.
It also pays to test things out in the smallest possible meaningful
scope, in this case **smbclient** before adding more obfuscation layers on
top of it, as that just adds more complexity, pitfalls and rabbit
holes to get lost in. By going step by step, building on previous
result I often get results faster (or at all) even if I have to do
additional steps which turn out to no longer be needed in the final