
205 lines
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2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(defpackage :flappy-ball
(:use :cl :sketch)
2024-04-27 09:47:19 +02:00
(:export :flappy-ball :on-click :on-key :setup
:make-ball :ball-x :ball-y :ball-velocity :ball-size :ball-move :ball-flap :ball-draw
:make-pipe :pipe-x :pipe-height :pipe-gap :pipe-width :pipe-draw :pipe-collides))
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(in-package :flappy-ball)
;; Create a new ball entity
;; (make-ball 10 20 -5.6)
(defun make-ball (x y velocity size)
(list x y velocity size))
(defun ball-x (ball)
(car ball))
(defun ball-y (ball)
(cadr ball))
(defun ball-velocity (ball)
(caddr ball))
(defun ball-size (ball)
(cadddr ball))
(defun ball-move (ball gravity max-height)
(let ((size (ball-size ball))
(velocity (ball-velocity ball)))
(ball-x ball)
(alexandria:clamp (+ (ball-y ball) velocity) size (- max-height size))
(+ velocity gravity)
(defun ball-flap (ball flap-speed)
(ball-x ball)
(ball-y ball)
(ball-size ball)))
(defun ball-draw (ball pen)
(with-pen pen
(circle (ball-x ball) (ball-y ball) (ball-size ball))))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------
;; Create a new pipe entity
;; (setf pipe (make-pipe 10 200 100 20))
(defun make-pipe (x height gap width)
(list x height gap width))
;; Accessors
;; (pipe-x pipe)
(defun pipe-x (pipe)
(car pipe))
;; (pipe-height pipe)
(defun pipe-height (pipe)
(cadr pipe))
;; (pipe-gap pipe)
(defun pipe-gap (pipe)
(caddr pipe))
;; (pipe-width pipe)
(defun pipe-width (pipe)
(cadddr pipe))
(defun pipe-draw (pipe pen scroll-x height)
(let ((x (- (pipe-x pipe) scroll-x))
(h (pipe-height pipe))
(gap (pipe-gap pipe))
(w (pipe-width pipe)))
(with-pen pen
(rect x 0 w h)
(rect x (+ h gap) w (- height h gap)))))
(defun pipe-collides (pipe ball scroll-x)
(let ((x (- (pipe-x pipe) scroll-x))
(h (pipe-height pipe))
(gap (pipe-gap pipe))
(w (pipe-width pipe))
(bx (ball-x ball))
(by (ball-y ball))
(bs (ball-size ball)))
(and (<= (- x bs) bx (+ x w bs))
(not (<= (+ h bs) by (- (+ h gap) bs))))))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
;; -------------------------------------------------------------
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
(defun draw-image-layer(resource scroll-x)
(let ((pic (load-resource resource))
(offset (mod scroll-x 960))
(draw (crop pic offset 0 960 540)
:x 0 :y 0 :width 960 :height 540)))
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
(defun draw-background (scroll-x)
(draw-image-layer "assets/level1/sky.png" 0)
(draw-image-layer "assets/level1/clouds.png" (* -0.15 scroll-x))
(draw-image-layer "assets/level1/far.png" (* 0.25 scroll-x))
(draw-image-layer "assets/level1/middle.png" (* 0.6 scroll-x)))
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
(defun draw-foreground (pipes scroll-x pipe-pen height)
(dolist (pipe pipes)
(pipe-draw pipe pipe-pen scroll-x height))
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
(draw-image-layer "assets/level1/ground.png" scroll-x))
2024-04-28 14:18:49 +02:00
(defun random-pipes (n spacing max-height gap width)
(let ((padding 25))
(loop repeat n
for x from spacing by (+ spacing )
collect (make-pipe x (+ padding (random (- max-height gap padding padding))) gap width)))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
;; -------------------------------------------------------------
2024-04-28 14:18:49 +02:00
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(defsketch flappy-ball
((title "Flappy Ball")
(width 960)
(height 540)
(ground-level 440)
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(copy-pixels nil)
(ball (make-ball (/ width 10) (/ height 3) 0 10))
(gravity 0.025)
(flap-speed -1)
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(ball-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0.5) :fill sketch:+yellow+ :weight 1))
(collision-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0.5) :fill sketch:+red+ :weight 1))
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(pipe-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0.5) :fill sketch:+green+ :weight 1))
2024-05-01 15:39:34 +02:00
(pipes-amount 10)
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(pipes-spacing 200)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(pipes-width 20)
(pipes (random-pipes pipes-amount pipes-spacing ground-level 100 pipes-width))
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(scroll-x 0.0)
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
(scroll-speed 0.2)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(target-x (- (* pipes-amount pipes-spacing) 720))
2024-05-01 11:57:14 +02:00
(state 'new)
(score 0))
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
(draw-background scroll-x)
(draw-foreground pipes scroll-x pipe-pen height)
(ball-draw ball
(if (some (lambda (pipe) (pipe-collides pipe ball scroll-x)) pipes)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(when (eq state 'running)
(setf state 'died))
2024-04-28 15:11:20 +02:00
2024-05-01 15:39:34 +02:00
(if (>= scroll-x target-x)
(let ((pic (load-resource "assets/level1/prize.png")))
(draw pic :x (- (+ 960 target-x) scroll-x) :y 0 )))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(when (eq state 'new)
(setf scroll-x 0.0)
(text "Click to Start" 350 250 200 40))
(when (eq state 'won)
2024-05-01 15:39:34 +02:00
(text "You Won" 380 100 160 60)
(text "Return to Restart" 300 150 320 40)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(when (eq state 'died)
2024-05-01 15:39:34 +02:00
(text "You Died" 380 100 160 60)
(text "Return to Restart" 300 150 320 40))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
2024-05-01 11:57:14 +02:00
(text (format nil "~3,'0d" (floor score)) 820 20 100 40)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(when (eq state 'running)
2024-05-01 11:57:14 +02:00
(setf score (1+ (/ (- scroll-x pipes-width (/ width 10)) pipes-spacing)))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(setf scroll-x (+ scroll-x scroll-speed))
(setf ball (ball-move ball gravity ground-level))
2024-05-01 11:57:14 +02:00
(when (> (round score) pipes-amount)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(setf state 'won)))
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(defmethod on-click ((instance flappy-ball) x y)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(with-slots (ball flap-speed state) instance
(setf ball (ball-flap ball flap-speed))
(when (eq state 'new)
(setf state 'running))
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00
(defmethod on-key ((instance flappy-ball) key state)
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(with-slots (ball flap-speed state) instance
(setf ball (ball-flap ball flap-speed))
2024-05-01 15:39:34 +02:00
(print key)
(when (and (eq state 'new) (not (eq key :RETURN))
(setf state 'running))
(when (and (eq state 'died) (eq key :RETURN))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(setf state 'new))
2024-05-01 15:39:34 +02:00
(when (and (eq state 'won) (eq key :RETURN))
2024-05-01 11:17:12 +02:00
(setf state 'new))
(defmethod setup ((instance flappy-ball) &key &allow-other-keys)
(background (gray 1)))
2024-04-18 21:50:05 +02:00